Our Sacramental Preparation is a two-year program, starting as early as first grade. The child will enroll with our Family Faith Formation program (FFF) for the two years. In addition, the second year of Sacramental prep includes two morning retreats (one parent also attends) for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The family will receive two take-home boxes (Mend and Nourish) with lesson plans and fun activities to do together. Through these lessons, families will encounter Jesus and experience the beauty of the Mass as it connects to daily life by building puzzles, baking, reading Scripture, engaging in meaningful conversation, and much more.


Led by Parents  - Shared as Family - Experienced at Home (November to January)

Mend is a first Reconciliation family experience designed to equip parents to teach, share faith, and pray with their children as they lead 7 family meetings in their home through a variety of hands-on and innovative activities.

 Families will encounter Jesus and experience the beauty of Reconciliation as it connects to daily life by forming clay, making field goals, reading Scripture, engaging in meaningful conversation, and much more. To find out more about Mend click here.

Please fill out the Mend Completion Form below for each meeting/session completed.


Led by Parents  - Shared as Family - Experienced at Home (February to April)

Nourish is a first Communion family experience designed to equip parents to teach, share faith, and pray with their children as they lead 10 family meetings in their home through a variety of hands-on and innovative activities.

Families will encounter Jesus and experience the beauty of the Mass as it connects to daily life by building puzzles, baking, reading Scripture, engaging in meaningful conversation, and much more. To find out more about Nourish click here.